The King George V Fund awards Grants to British Actors and Actresses whose service to their Profession merits recognition and who would benefit from a Grant.
© 2023 by King George V Fund.

The KGVF is a member of The Combined Theatrical Charities who fundraise mainly through their annual appeal, Acting for Others (A4O)
Acting for Others provides financial and emotional support to all theatre workers in times of need through the 14 member charities.
West Suite, 2nd Floor
11 Garrick Street
Website: www.actingforothers.co.uk
Telephone: 020 7379 6978
Charity No: 241279
If it appears that the King George V Fund for Actors & Actresses is not able to assist you, please try one of our sister theatrical charities as follows
Actors' Benevolent Fund www.actorsbenevolentfund.co.uk
The Ralph and Meriel Richardson Foundation www.sirralphrichardson.org.uk
The Equity Charitable Trust www.equitycharitabletrust.org.uk
The Evelyn Norris Trust www.equitycharitabletrust.org.uk/evelynnorris
Denville Hall www.denvillehall.org.uk
The Royal Theatrical Fund www.trtf.com

Charity No: 210740